Hypervisors in cloud computing enable efficient virtualization and management of resources.

They come in two types: Type 1 (bare-metal) and Type 2 (hosted) hypervisors.

Hypervisors abstract hardware resources, facilitating the creation of multiple virtual machines on a single physical server.

Advantages include resource optimization, enhanced security, and scalability.

Popular hypervisor technologies include VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Xen.

Challenges include performance overhead and compatibility issues.

Future trends involve containerization, microservices, and integration with edge computing.

Type 1 hypervisors run directly on hardware, while Type 2 hypervisors run on top of an operating system.

Hypervisors isolate virtual machines, preventing interference and enhancing security.

They play a crucial role in enabling the virtualization and management of resources in cloud environments.

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