Welcome to

Full Stack Development Program

Unlock career opportunities with our Full Stack Development Placement Guarantee Program, mastering front-end and back-end skills for job success.

Discover job guarantee programs at Atharv Upgrade, ensuring career success with hands-on training and placement support in various industries.

About The Program:

Welcome to our comprehensive Full Stack Developer course! In this program, you'll embark on an exciting
journey to become a proficient Full Stack Developer, equipped with the skills and knowledge to excel in both
frontend and backend development.

Atharv Upgrade

Our Features


Live Projects

Work on Live Paid Projects, Earn While you Learn and Gain real life industrial experience during the course hence build a strong portfolio


100% Placement

Unlock your future with our 100% Placement Guarantee Program – Your pathway to success is paved with certainty


Complete Support

Resume building, interview workshops, mock sessions, and career guidance for personalised support in achieving success

Course Highlights:
  1. Foundation Building: Begin by laying a strong foundation in web development. Explore HTML, CSS,
    and JavaScript, learning how to structure web content, style designs, and create interactive
  2. Frontend Mastery: Dive into the world of frontend development, where you’ll master advanced
    JavaScript techniques, work with popular frameworks like React, and design responsive user interfaces that
    captivate users.
  3. Backend Proficiency: Transition to the backend realm and delve into server-side programming. Learn
    languages like Java, Python, or Node.js to build APIs, manage databases, and implement complex
    business logic.
  4. Database Management: Understand the importance of databases in web applications. Explore both SQL
    and NoSQL databases, learning to design efficient data structures and handle data manipulation.
  5. Integration and Deployment: Discover how to seamlessly integrate frontend and backend
    components for a cohesive user experience. Learn deployment techniques, setting up servers, and
    automating deployment pipelines.
  6. Real-world Projects: Apply your skills to real-world projects, simulating industry scenarios. Develop a
    full-fledged web application that showcases your ability to create end-to-end solutions
  7. Job Readiness and Career Support: Prepare for the job market with guidance on resume building,
    interview preparation, and portfolio development. Benefit from job placement assistance and
Why Choose Our Full Stack Developer Program:
  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum covers both frontend and backend development, giving you
    a holistic understanding of web development
  2. Hands-on Learning: Learn by doing. Work on practical projects that mirror real-world scenarios to
    enhance your skills.
  3. Expert Instructors: Benefit from the guidance of experienced Full Stack Developers who share
    industry insights and best practices.
  4. Job Guarantee: We believe in your potential. Our job guarantee program ensures you’re job-ready upon
    completion of the course.
  5. Community and Support: Join a community of learners, collaborate on projects, and receive
    ongoing support from instructors and mentors
Our Job Guarantee Program Roadmap:
Phase 1: Building a Strong Foundation
Module 1: Introduction to Web Development
Module 2: HTML, CSS, and Responsive Design
Module 3: JavaScript Fundamentals
Module 4: Version Control with Git
Phase 2: Frontend Development Mastery
Module 5: Advanced JavaScript and DOM Manipulation
Module 6: Front-end Frameworks (React)
Module 7: State Management and APIs
Module 7: State Management and APIs
Module 8: Advanced Frontend Techniques
Phase 3: Backend Development Proficiency
Module 9: Node.js and Express.js
Module 10: RESTful API Design and Security
Module 11: Databases and Data Management
Module 12: Advanced Backend Development
Phase 4: Full Stack Integration and Deployment
Module 13: Connecting Frontend and Backend
Module 13: Connecting Frontend and Backend
Module 14: Deployment and DevOps
Phase 5: Real-world Project and Career Preparation
Module 15: Full Stack Capstone Project
Module 16: Job Readiness and Career Development
Module 17: Final Assessment and Job Guarantee
Module 18: Continued Support and Industry Trends

Conclusion: As you embark on this Full Stack Developer course, you’re embarking on a journey that will equip you with the abilities to create dynamic, interactive, and impactful web applications. By mastering both frontend and backend development, you’ll position yourself as a sought-after professional in the dynamic world of web development. Are you ready to dive into the world of Full Stack Development with Atharv Upgrade? Enroll today and unlock the potential to shape the digital future!

Disclaimer: The curriculum and roadmap are subject to change based on industry trends and advancements

Student Satisfaction

Student Community

Atharv Upgrade’s Programming course was excellent. The practical assignments and real-world examples helped me secure a position as a Software Engineer at Oracle.

Neha Singh, Software Engineer at Oracle

The Project Management course at Atharv Upgrade was incredibly beneficial. It provided me with the skills needed to become a Project Supervisor at L&T.

Vivek Sharma, Project Supervisor at L&T

The Digital Marketing course at Atharv Upgrade was thorough and practical. It helped me secure a role as a Digital Marketing Lead at Paytm.

Harshita Desai, Digital Marketing Lead at Paytm

The AI/ML course at Atharv Upgrade was a game-changer for my career. The hands-on projects and expert insights helped me land a job as an AI/ML Developer at Adobe.

Simran Kaur, AI/ML Developer at Adobe

The Data Science course at Atharv Upgrade was outstanding. The practical projects and expert guidance helped me become a Data Analyst at Ernst & Young.

Rohit Sinha, Data Analyst at Ernst & Young
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